We are over the hill my friends - today we celebrate eD's 50th post! In honor of such a glorious accomplishment, I thought it appropriate to share Page views from eD's top ten countries (you guys know who you are!).
Happy Bday eD! |
Keyword Search Terms (In Google)
Dominic Giuliani Blog - 4
eternal domnation - 2
speedos - 2
am lethargic until I have- 1
american rhetoric william watt - 1
dominic giuliani eternal domnation - 1
blog dominic giuliani - 1
eternal domnation blog dominic giuliani - 1
blog eternal domnation dominic giuliani - 1
I think it's hilarious that "Eternal Domnation" and "speedos" are tied for keyword search terms.
ReplyDeleteCheers to 50 more my friend...
Right? I don't get it. Maybe it has something to do with the Meatballs?