Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Christmas

Heathrow was kind to us, and we arrived safely in sunny Los Angeles (seriously, we sat outside for a bit and caught some rays).  I'm getting ready to head over and watch the nieces and nephews rip through Santa's pile of goodies.

I can't help but notice that the pendulam has swung, maybe not clearly to the other side, but certainly past the middle line.  It used to be all about me, and my brothers and sisters.  After the carnage beneath the tree, we would size up the individual piles of gifts, as if to say "what did you get for Christmas?"  Well I got a new pair of hockey skates, a New Jersey Devils hat, and Dad's secret present was a ping pong table (my brother got a train set) and I am SO EXCITED!

Then there was a period of time where the presents dwindled, and Christmas was more about the holiday - the day off of work or school.  Certainly it was always about family, but during this period the realization that it was no longer all about me, maybe just took away from it a tiny bit.  Bloody Hell, this realization was no more evident on the Christmas day that I spent in Indonesia.  Now don't get me wrong, I wanted to be with my family, but the holiday was more about the opportunity to travel and not work.  That is all I am saying, so don't rant.

But now, getting back to that pendulum, Christmas is all about the little ones.  Of course, getting together with family is the most important aspect of it, and it has nothing to do with an Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology, but as it relates to the Father of Christmas: the questions and excitement all relate to the little additions in our family.  Will they love it?  Will they understand it?  OMG will they get paper cuts?

I am so excited to see Christmas morning in their eyes.  Did my sister leave out a half-eaten cookie?  What tradition will my brother start the year of his son's first Christmas?  I'll find out the answer to these questions, and more about what Christmas means to me - in about 20 minutes (fyi - I have nieces and nephews who are now adults, or close to it, so this is not the first time I will anxiously await the answers to these questions).

Merry Christmas to my 23 followers and to the secret agent blog readers who once and a while uniquely visit my blog! 


  1. you are a true genius my son....

  2. I was thinking about the change in "What Christmas Means to Me" as well this year. I think I experienced something similar to your pendulum. Keep the posts coming Dom!


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